Carpenters fixing Bison cement sheet to avoid spoiling of wall paper during monsoon seepage from walls .jpg)
Electrician too working over time as there is a dead line otherwise post 7 it is not right to do rewiring work as if short circuit happens then everyone will be in dark. .jpg)
Team of nerolac doing exterios paintings in common passages and porch etc
Some workers have left as they r not getting continuity due to crammed up rooms and some work can begin only after basic preparation are done viz. wall papers.
Since I can't afford costly contractors I hire workers on daily wages ( just like builders too do) , superwise them, control them, guide them and at times fire them.I also try to carry out renovations / repairs work by myself as I have lived my whole life in this building and with megre funds have been manageing same. I know the building and the work to be done and how to be done better then any outsider can. And I attend seminars, read magazines on these issues, and visit all building and interiors exhibitions to update myself. And still some guidence/ tips from well wishers are always there. This time Luckily we have proffessional help from our own Architect Ms. Nirali Nirmal Jain. But some work has to be extra cautiosly supervised and managed. ONE: Indian workers come late, want to leave early, carry half tools and that too defective ( the green cutter was brought by man of Ayaz bhai and the black and yellow was given by me the moment I saw the worker spoiling Sintex False ceiling material while cutting them with poor quality cutter), and then they do not give orders / requiremnets in one go and keep asking frequently for material ( says screws of different sizes , fevical, drill bit etc) suddemly so you have to be present , with money and rush your trained staff to procure
material in no time from right shop and right quality at right price.
Quality I say because these shopkeepers are expert in selling spurios goods, low quality goods and there is no price on most of the electrical, hardware , sanitary ware, paint,plumbing items. I have caught them giving iron hinges when we ordreed brass hinges. Caught them giving me duplicate philips lamp and informed Philips too.

Yes, one can easily save 50% inspite of using better quality matrial then a normal contactor can give but try only this if you are free,not having pressures of career.